ShoalBear's Growlings

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!

Had SO much fun yesterday at the Easter Egg hunt for my nephews!  I even got a tad sunburned!!  But just enough so that it will turn into a beautiful tan!!  AWESOME!!

Today off to my brother's Aunt and Uncles for a family Easter is SO cool the way they have accepted me...finding family after reuniting can be so good and bad sometimes...this was definitely good!!!

Speaking as an adoptee...I ask that you please sign this petition to support restoring Adult Adoptees the Civil Right to their own original personal Birth Certificates

There are so many fallacies out there that I wish to clarify a few: 

Birthmothers were NEVER promised anonymity!  If I had not been adopted, but grew up in foster care, then I would get my original personal Birth Certificate upon reaching the age of majority!  The Birth Certificates are not changed and sealed until the adoption is finalized.  Sadly, I also have NO rights to obtain a copy of the adoption paperwork....a legal matter that was all ABOUT me is something I have no legal right to see.  Does that make any sense??

Wanting access to my original personal Birth Certificate has nothing to do with searching!  I actually already found my birthfamily. Luckily I was accepted whole-heartedly and didn't have any issues.  But even if I hadn't found or hadn't even wanted to search at all, it is my right to have the document of my birth, not an amended copy stating that I was born to my adoptive parents.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my adoptive parents...I call them my parents, and only add 'adoptive' when discussing adoption so as not to confuse people.  Although it can still be confusing!

0 Growlings: