ShoalBear's Growlings

Monday, August 21, 2006


Well my good friend AtM, whose blog Cheaper Than Therapy is most entertaining, tagged me almost 10 days ago with a meme (??) to write about 5 things about me that are weird. Unfortunately, I forgot about it (OK so really I got lazy, what's your point?), and since Mom is probably ready to put me on restrictions, I am finally getting to it!

First off, everyone should already know that ShoalBear doesn't like being called weird. She prefers the term Unique! So, just HOW unique am I?

1) I definitely do NOT act my age. It's so bad, that people are always absolutely shocked when they hear how old I am, and some even think I am kidding. Personally, I think it is better to be old and act young, than to be young and act old!

2) I am a geek. Not a total geek, mind, but a geek nonetheless. I have a smartphone, and just got one of those convertible laptops. I drool over tech things, and think that one of those binary clocks or watches would be AWESOME to have! (Come to think of it, I really DO need a new watch...wonder if EBay would have any)

3) I enjoy logic puzzles. NO, I LOVE logic puzzles. I suck at doing them, but I love them, and can waste hours and days on them!

4) Some people would say it is weird that I have always loved country music....but it is true.

5) I have VERY bizarre food rules that must be obeyed. Well...maybe obeyed is too strong a word, but I am very particular. If a food looks "strange" I won't eat it. If the name sounds "weird" I won't eat it. If I ever thought it wouldn't taste good I won't eat it. If I ever ate it and didn't like it I won't eat it. Fortunately, I don't make others suffer....if I don't like what is being served, I am big enough to get off my ass and go get me something I can eat :)

WHEW...this only took me like 5 hours! Well....ok that procrastinating thing combined with a kewl new logic game kinda sorta got in the way. Anyways, I am done!

And Mom already tagged someone I am just gonna drop the ball completely on that. Maybe someday she will explain this whole "meme" thing to me.

If I ever grow up that is....

3 Growlings: