"Safe Place"
OK, I know it isn't just me....I have proof it isn't just me. But I can't bear it when I put something in a "Safe Place" so that I can find it easily when I look for it next. Unfortunately, many times when I do need that something, it is not to be found. And so the hunt begins!! My most current search is still going on. I am trying to find a bracelet someone made for me, and I put it in a "Safe Place, in the hopes that when I needed it, I could grab it fast. Especially since I need him to make a few adjustments. It is most gorgeous and something I have wanted for years, and now that I have it, I can't friggin find it!! Boy, you should have heard the growling going on around here today! Sometimes I worry it is early alzheimers setting in. That or I am using up all my remaining brain cells in classes. (Well, some of that stuff IS hard and intimidating!)
Has this happened to you lately? Leave your story in my comments area. Heck, if it hasn't happened to you lately, just tell your most memorable....or tell us both stories!
Well, now that I have growled about it here, I do feel a bit better.
But when, oh when, will I learn to STOP putting things in a "Safe Place"??
2 Growlings:
Ha, it's not me that suffers from CRS, it's the old man.
I just bear the brunt of it.
"You must have moved my keys/wallet/glasses. I specifically put them RIGHT HERE!"
No, dearest heart, I didn't touch your crap. They're in the last pair of pants you wore/last jacket you wore/the side pocket of your car.
Attila the Mom, growled at Sunday, August 06, 2006 4:04:00 PM
Hi! Found you through Attila.
I have terrible, terrible short term memory. I've done a lot of research on it, unfortunatly, the only thing I can remember learning about it is that stress is a big factor contributing to short term memory loss. LOL Sad isn't it.
Ever since I've had my daughter (who is now 8) I have had this problem. LOL At least I can't remember pissing anyone off when I forget something LOL!
The only thing I have found to combat CRS, is to be disciplined about where you put things. Always put things in the same place all the time (no cubby holes you don't use regularly) and do it right now.
Good luck.
Nikki, growled at Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:00:00 PM
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